Monday, October 21, 2013


Whereas the university has been established in pursuit of truth, high quality education, research, consultancy and ethical values.
Such as truth, quality education, research consultancy and ethical values can best be attained peacefully when peace, tranquility and good cooperation accompanied with respect among members of the university prevail.
There are established By-Laws to assure prevalence of these conditions and ultimately, attendance to the mission of the University.

                                                                    PART ONE


1.         SHORT TITLE
These By-Laws shall be cited as the Stella Maris Mtwara University College (A constituent College of St. Augustine university of Tanzania) Students    By–Laws (General Conduct, Disciplinary Offences, Procedures, penalties and appeals); Amendments 2011              

            In these By-Laws unless the context provides otherwise the “Appeal  Committee” means    a Committee established under Article 56 of the Trust  Rules of SAUT.”Baraza” means and includes Campus Baraza and Universit students Baraza constituted by all student at  the relevant campus or at the  University as whole.”The Trust Deed and the Rules” means the Constitution of   St. Augustine University of Tanzania. “Council” means the Council of St.  Augustine  of Tanzania.  
 Deans of Students” means any officer appointed by   the Council with respect to Article 20 of the Trust Deed and Rules to be     responsible for student’s affairs other than those related to finance.  Students’     Disciplinary    Committee” means a Committee established under article 55 of   the Trust Rules.  “Students Disciplinary Committee” means a Committee      established under article 55 of the Trust Rules. “Students” means any person      admitted to the University College as a candidate for a Degree, Advanced Diploma,  Certificate or other award of the University and includes any person enrolled to  pursue any course or  study of the University and paying   his/her fees regularly Student Organization” means the organization established under article 51 of  the Trust Rules of ST.Augustine University of Tanzania.

The University College” means Stella Maris Mtwara University College (A Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania).
            Sexual Misconduct Sexual misconduct is defined as sexual contact without       consent by an acquaintance or a stranger and includes:  intentional touching       without consent, either of the victim or when the victim is forced to touch, directly or through clothing,   another person’s genitals, breast, groin, thighs or  buttocks; rape (sexual intercourse without consent or whether by an          acquaintance or stranger; attempted rape; sodomy  (oral or anal intercours  without consent; or sexual penetration with an object without consent.  To   constitute lack of consent, the acts must be committed either by threat,    force,   and intimidation or through the use of the victim’s mental or physical inability such as when the victim is physically or mentally incapacitated by alcohol or    other drugs.    Sexual nature that is without consent, or has the effect of threatening or intimidating the person against who such conduct is directed.
            Demonstration” means but not limited to unlawful demonstration.
            Misconduct” means a wrongful, improper behavior, or unlawful conduct  motivated by             premeditated or intentional purpose or by obstinate indifference   to the consequences of one’s acts.
            In connection with University discipline, “misconduct” generally shall be   construed to be student behavior that is unacceptable to the University by does          not violate criminal    statutes including absenteeism, tardiness, bullying and            inappropriate language.
            “Gross misconduct” can lead to immediate dismissal, expulsion or             discontinuation from the University because it is serious enough and possibly             criminal, eg. Stealing, willful endangering the safety of others or sexual          harassment.
            Misconduct refers to an action, or inaction which could be referred to as poor      performance due to:
·         Drunkenness
·         Drug use
·         Fighting, assault on fellow student(s), staff, lecturers
·         Harassing people
·         Willful damage to property
·         Subjecting people to racial, gender, religious abuse
·         Cursing/Swearing
·         Truancy
·         Behavior not conforming to prevailing standards or laws
·         The act or an insistence of fornication
·         Gross Dishonest or bad management
·         Deliberate wrongdoing
            TEC” means “Tanzania Episcopal Conference”
            Where it appears in these By – Laws a singular shall include a plural form and     vice versa.

3.         APPLICATION
            There it appears in these shall apply to all students of the St. Augustine     University of    Tanzania (SAUT).  The Vice Chancellor shall be responsible to the        Council for the enforcement the By-Laws 

            These By – Laws are made by the Council in accordance with Article 54 of the  Trust Deed and Trust Rules of SAUT shall come into force on such date as the Board of Trustees may approve.

                                                                        PART TWO


5.         (1)        STUDENT CONDUCT
                        (i)         Students are required to conduct themselves at all time and in a                                        manner suitable for the reputation of their status as University                                          students.
                        (ii)        (a)        Students shall be expected to treat each other. Members                                                    of staff, and the members of the community in general,                                                      with courtesy and consideration and in particular, by                                                    observing moral and ethical norms at all times.
                                    (b)        Any proved sexual misconduct involving students of the                                                       same or opposite sex calls for immediate expulsion of both                                                students.  Any proved sexual misconduct involving a                                                            student and an outside visitor or a member of staff may                                                  lead to immediate dismissal of the student concerned.
                        (iii)       Students are required to sign a declaration form that they shall                                          respect the Catholic goals of the University.

                        Students are prohibited from drunkenness, undue noise, disorderly                                    conduct and nuisance of any kind within the area/premises of the                                        University College and off campus.

            (3)        DEMONSTRATION & MOB ACTIONS
                        Demonstrations, strikes, mob actions and unauthorized assemblies are                              forbidden.  Demonstration is forbidden by these by-laws.
            (4)        Maliciously damaging defacing or destroying any University property shall                       be considered as a disciplinary offence.

            (5)        SMOKING
                       (i)  Smoking is prohibited in the Library, Cafeteria, Lecture Rooms and                                    Laboratories, and in any other place that may be specified by an  appropriate notice from          time to time.
                        (ii)        DRUGS
                                    Students are prohibited from drug possession abuse and trafficking in                                           drugs which shall cause severe disciplinary action including                                                expulsion from the University and / or complaints been made to                                                Public Authority calls for prosecution in respect of the relevant                                               misconduct, criminal act(s) as prescribed by the law of the                                                             Country.
                        (iii)       Any other offences of misconduct which contravene the Laws of                                         the Country.

                        Students are required to report at the University on the first day of each                           semester or the prescribed date of the academic year.  After the lapse of                             registration period from the prescribed date, each student reporting late                                    shall be barred from registration unless satisfactory reasons are given for                              reporting late.  Any late registration is liable to a fine of Tsh. 100,000/= or               as from time to time shall be determined by the University authority.

              Students, on the basis of freedom of expression as guaranteed under the                          country’s Constitution, may communicate with outside institutions, and  new media in their private capacity.  In matters concerning the  University, all communication and correspondence, by students or b  officials or recognized student associations to institutions shall be routed  through the Dean of Student or the Dean of the Faculty as the case may  be Correspondence and communication about the University to the  Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, TEC, Government Authorities, representatives  of foreign governments, international Non-governmental Organizations, local and International news media and any such like institution shall routed through the Vice Chancellor.

  (8)       PUBLICATIONS
                        Students wishing to publish articles in the University Newspapers,                          Bulletins etc.   or make use of any print or electronic media shall be  expected to observed laws     of libel which prohibit, interalia, publishing  of;
(i)                 Defamatory statements about a person which exposes that person to  hatred, scorn and contempt, or is likely to injure him or her in his or her trade or profession.

(ii)               Seditious statements or pictures that may insight people to violence, even if the writer has no intention to do so.

(iii)             Blasphemous statements about religious matters that my offend  deeply  the feelings of those who hold those matters sacred.

(iv)              Obscene statements, or pictures which  are likely to spoil or likely   to corrupt or corrupts those people into the hands the paper may   fall.  

(v)                Any confidential information received from police or public officers in the course of their official duties or enquiries.

(vi)              Any matter which is likely to bring a court of law into contempt or to hinder its administration of justice,
            (vii)     Works of others without their permission and thereby abusing   copyright

            (9)        ILLNESS 
                        Illness or accident must be reported to the University Dispensary authority and/or the     Dean of students and to the Head of the  Department If a student opts to be treated outside the University and such treatment   as the case may be shall require the student to be admitted outside the                         University or   be away from classes for more than two days, he she shall                            communicate the same to the University Dispensary Authority or Dean of                                Students.

            (10)      LEAVE OF ABSENCE
                        A student may obtain leave of absence for a period not exceeding ten                               days during semester time, on the application to the Dean of Students.                          Such an application shall be accompanied by a written approval of the  Student’s Class Advisor and Head of Department on a prescribed form.

                        Students are generally not allowed to stay at the campus during long                                vacation days.  A student who has a particular and exceptional   reason to stay at the   campus and who secures the permission of the  Dean of Students to stay at the campus shall be bound by these By-Laws as they would during the semester time, and will be required to pay  in advance a prescribed boarding fee and shall be required to make  his/her own arrangements for meals, dispensary and hospitalization  services.
            (12)      STEDENTS MOTOR VEHICLES
                        Students wishing to keep and drive motor vehicle (including scooters and                          motorcycles) within the University campus should not park on official  parking place (reserved places)It is provided that the University shall not be responsible for any damag to or loss of the vehicle and/or motor accidents involving students and  third parties, The permission for any student to keep and drive a motor vehicle within  the campus may be withdrawn wherever it is obvious to the University that the student is a dangerous or reckless driver.

            (13)      EMPLOYMENTS
                        No student may be employed in any kind of employment contracts  whatsoever   at or outside the campus during semester without prior  permission from the   Corporate Counsel upon being satisfied that the  student’s academic work  performance will be affected by such  undertaking.  Contravention of these rules   shall be construed as  disciplinary offences punishable under these By-Laws.
(14)      MEETING
   The meeting of the Student’s government and of any Committee or sub- Committee and of any students’ organization shall be held after lecture  hours   unless prior permission is obtained from the Dean of Students to  hold such meetings during lecture hours.  This shall apply to any other social clubs or religious organizations at the University.


6.         (1)        HOSTEL
                        (i)    Student may opt to live in the University hostel at the campus if  accommodation is available, or a student may opt to live outsid   The University campus.  In the cases of off-campus residence, will  be supervised by the University, the By-Laws for University   residence within the campus shall mutatis mutandis apply to such students living off
                        (ii)  Students who opt to live in the University hostels must comply  with the regulations as established by the University.  The failure   to adhere to these regulations will make the student to lose the   privilege of staying in the Hostel.
                        (iii)  Students of the opposite sex are not allowed to share a room/bed                          in the University hostel.
            (2)        CLEANLINESS
                        Student shall be responsible for the care of the rooms they occupy and                              the surroundings and for daily cleaning of the rooms.  In no way  may                          walls of rooms be ruined or damaged with mils, cello tape and pictures                          Timetables may be fixed on book shelves and not on walls.
            (3)        CHANGING OF ROOMS
                        Students are not permitted to change rooms without the permission of     
                        Hostel superintendent or the Dean of students.  Such  
                      Permission will normally come into effect at the
                      Beginning of a new semester
            (4)        ELECTRICAL FITTINGS
                        Under no circumstances may students interfere or tamper with electric                            fitting and installations nor should they use any electric appliances other                                than an electric iron and radio sets from the sockets provided for the                                   purpose
            (5)        USE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
                        The hostels shall be a place of rest, peace and retirement; hence, there                            should be no noise at any time.  Musical instruments should be tuned at                                room sound and should not be used after 12:00 midnight.
            (6)        COOKING
                        No cooking is allowed in hostels and storing of paraffin, petrol or any                                other combustibles is not allowed.
            (7)        ROOM FURNITURE
                        Each student shall be given the necessary items in the room for residence                        including a bed mattress, reading desk and a chair and shall be                                                responsible for the care of these items, the handing/taking over of which                               shall be made in writing.  No furniture including chairs should be added                                  or taken out of the room.
            (8)        BED TIME
                        All students are required by the By Laws to be in their rooms or residence                        by 10:00 midnights except   where permission is granted by the Dean of                              Students or hall warden or any other authorized University Official.  For                               an approved social function an extension of up to 12:00 a.m. may be                            allowed.
            (9)        SHARING OF ROOMS
                        Students shall be expected to live harmoniously with one another in their              allocated rooms.  If a student is found to be misbehaving towards his/her roommate, the misbehaving students may be ordered out of the room or  may be given a probationary period of good behavior of up to one   semester and shall be called before the disciplinary Committee to defend  himself/herself and may be suspended up to a period of one year.

            (10)      VISITORS
                        Students shall allow entertaining a fellow student of either sex of SAUT                             in their rooms from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 pm.  In every case they must                                 show due regard for the rights of their roommate and other students.
                        At no time and under no circumstances are outside visitors or students of                         the same or opposite sex allowed to share a bed.  Visitors from outside                                 must leave the campus at 6:00 p.m.
            (11)      UNAUTHORIZED PERSON
                        Students shall not be allowed to live with any unauthorized person or                                persons in their rooms including their children, relatives or spouses.
            (12)      CARE OF KEYS
                        Loss of keys by students must be immediately reported to the Janitor on                            duty or the Dean of Students Replacement of the key or lock or key holder                   will be made upon payment of the replacement cost by the students                              responsible for its loss or damage.
            (13)      RETURN OF KEYS
                        Students must clear their rooms entirely of personal belongings at the end of    the semester and return keys to the hostel Janitor or Dean of Students by  written evidence e.g.  Signature to the effect.  Failure to do so shall involve   involve the paying of full residential charges by the occupants of the room from  the beginning of the vacation to the time the key is returned plus any other  suitable punishment.

7.(1)  The student meals shall be served in the university cafeteria at prescribed times and prescribed rates of payments of meals and/ or services made by sponsor and determined by market price for food ingredients .Contravention of the following rules shall be construed as disciplinary offences subject to punishment
(2)          KITCHEN
                The kitchen is out of bounds for students, smoking is disallowed in the cafeteria.
                Students are expected to dress neatly when going to the cafeteria for meals .Such dress as slippers ‘’khangas and shorts dress shall not be allowed in the cafeteria.
(4)          CAFETERIA ITEMS
                Except with the permission of the catering superintendent or appointee thereof, no student may take any   item of crockery, glasses, cutlery  ect. From   the cafeteria.
(5)          COMPLAINTS
                Any complaints about cafeteria services should be made in the first instance to the cafeteria superintendent through the student’s government representatives or suggestion box placed at the entrance to cafeteria.
(6)          MENU
                Students shall be proved with meals on the basis of reasonable menu. Food for special diets shall not be provided except by payment from the student or the sponsor.


The dress code is applicable to all students and is part of our policy to provide and maintain high professional ethical standards of integrity and discipline on the campus.  The dress code must be adhered to by every University Student from Monday to Saturday, even if casual attire is allowed on Saturday.
Tight or transparent clothes, mini-skirts, stomach-cuts, capped sleeves and sleeveless tops/vests/shirt, tracksuits, casual wear like kanga, head scarves; sports shoes, slippers, shorts and studs/earrings for men are not allowed.  Students are requested to dress with decency, modesty and smartness.


8.         (1)        REGISTRATION
                        Every student shall be registered for one course program only.  Once  admitted to a particular course /program a student may switch to a  different program with permission from the relevant academic   authority.
            (2)        FEES
           No student shall be allowed to register or attend classes unless the  required fees have been paid.  Fees shall be paid in full at the beginning   of the academic year or in two equal installments at the beginning of   each semester.  It is an offence by Laws of the Country and by these By- Laws for any student to present forged receipts, fake, counterfeited  cheques or any other financial documents during payments to the  University.
            (3)        LECTURE ATTENDANCE
                        Student shall be required to attend at least 75% of the lecture hours to                         qualify for sitting for University examinations.
            (4)        MISSING LECTURERS
                        In the event of a student missing lectures, the Class Representative shall                           inform the lecturer concerned or the Head of Department.
            (5)        TESTS AND EXAMINATION
                        A student shall be required to sit all tests and examinations prescribed to                         qualify him/her for the University award.  Any special reason that may
                        prevent a student from sitting any examination shall be reported to the                            Head of Department, notified to the Faculty Dean, Corporate Counsel,                                and permission granted in writing prior to the time of the examination.  A                    student who forge or fake a student Identify card, examination card or                                    any University document contravenes these By-Laws and if proved the                              student shall be expelled from studies and be reported to the relevant                              government authority(ies) for legal action.
            (6)        RELEASE OF RESULTS
                        Except for final examination, tests and course work assessment results                              shall be under the mandate of the respective lecturers within reasonable                           time.  Final examination results shall be released at a date prescribed                                   normally in the University almanac.  Students are not allowed to seek                                   results from any academic or non-academic staff member by telephone,                         letter or any other way before the prescribed date shown on the almanac                         or that notified to students.
            (7)        EXAMINATION RULES
                        Students are required to strictly adhere to examination rules; failure to                             observe examination rules is punishable by expulsion from the University                           or disqualification from entitlement to the University award.
            (8)        LIBRARY SERVICES
                        Library services shall be available to students at the prescribed operating                                     hours and library regulations established by University authorities.
            (9)        LIBRARY RULES
Every student who uses the library shall inform himself/herself with the   procedures, rules and regulations of the University library.  Failure to  observe procedures, rules and regulations of the University library shall  constitute a disciplinary offence. A student using library facilities shall be required to ensure that all books, periodicals, magazines etc. borrowed are taken care of and returned to the library on the prescribed date and intake. Every student studying in the library should do so without causing undue noise or disturbance to other reader.
A student entering a university library shall be neatly dressed. Sandals and shoes with hard knocks shall not be worn when entering the  university College library.
Non adherence to the above rules shall be construed as disciplinary offences and punishable under these By-Laws
                        In the overall sense, the Dean of Students is the one to whom most    enquiries and complaints of general discipline should be directed.
            (2)        EQUIRIES OF ACADEMIC MATTERS
                        For matters of purely academic nature Class Advisors and / or Head of                              Departments are the ones to be consulted.
            (3)        CONSULTATIONS
                        Unless otherwise stated, all consultations with staff must be made in                                 their respective offices.
            (4)        SERVICES OF UNIVERSITY STAFF
                        The services of the university staff e.g. secretarial work, photocopy, email                        etc. shall not be used by students in a private or official capacity without                              prior authorization of the officer in-charge of the section or department                                 as the case may be
            (5)        ABUSE AND HARASSMENT
                        No student shall abuse or harass any member of staff of the University,  members of families of the University or the visitors of staff member at  or outside the University campus
            (6)        OFFER OR MONEY, GIFT OR INDUCEMENT
                        (i)  No student may offer any money, gift or any inducement of any  kind to anyone any staff members of the University under any   circumstances whatsoever.  Contravention of this Regulation will   be construed as an attempt to offer a bribe punishable under the   by – Laws and may be dealt with through legal proceedings as  established by the law of the country.
                        (ii)  Where a student is facing charge(s) before the court of law may be suspended if in the opinion of the University management it   appears right to do so until his/her case has been determined by  the court of law.

                        Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which does  not interfere with the welfare of their fellow students and the community  in general
                        Conduct which does or is likely to cause violence to another student at or                          outside the University campus shall be seen as grave offence punishable                                  under these by-Laws and/or calling for legal proceedings under the law of                      the country.
                        The following will also be construed as disciplinary offences punishable                             under these By-Laws.
                        a)         Theft of a fellow student’s property or University property or theft                                     in any form as defined by the low of the country.
                        b)         Use of slanderous, abusive, absence or threatening language by                                         any student against a fellow student or member of staff.
                        c)         Using force assault, harassment, violence against a student or                                            staff, or hitting a fellow student or staff.
                        d)         Conduct which is likely to obstruct or to frustrate the holding of:
                                    (i)         Any lecture, class, laboratory, work research or other                                                         instructional activity given or authorized by the University.
                                    (ii)        Any meeting function or lawful activity authorized by the                                                    university
                        e)         Unauthorized possession of a key to a fellow student’s room or to                                      other university property.
                        f)          Knowingly inviting or entertaining a former student or students in                                      the University who are known to have been dismissed from the                                                University and barred from entering the University promises
                        g)         No student may offer any money or inducements of any kind to a                                       fellow student.

            (3)        STUDENT GOVERNMENT
                        The student government is an extension of the University Administration                           and students are expected to co-operate with it in channeling their                               wishes, views and grievances of general nature to higher authorities.
                        Students shall be expected to make full and timely payments of prescribed fees    to the Student organizations.  To avoid doubt, prescribed fees shall be such   fees as approved by the Council and shall include student, Organization membership, subscription or Students Unions fees.

11.       (1)        Disciplinary offences committed by students shall be dealt with by the                               Student’s Disciplinary Committee.
                        (a)        The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance shall                                       be the Chairman
                        (b)        The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance shall                                       be Vice Chairman when the case involves an academic matter                                                Otherwise, the students disciplinary Committee shall choose any                                           member as Vice Chairman.
                        (c)        Dean of Students
                        (d)        Dean of the Faculty or director of the center or directorate to                                            which the student(s) belong.
                        (e)        Two senior members of the Academic staff nominated by the Vice                                     Chancellor.
                        (f)        Legally qualified person as approved and or appointed by the Vice                                     Chancellor or other higher authorities and may be the attorney,                                        advocate, magistrate or judge and who does not hold any post at                                            the University.
                        (g)        One representative from the Students’ organization
            (3)        INVESTIGATION OF AN OFFENCE
                        Upon receipt of a complaint that a student has committed an offence, the Disciplinary committee shall meet within a reasonable time to make a preliminary investigation of the case.Preliminary findings of the case.
            (4)        FORMULATION OF A COMPLAINT
                        Where a complaint is made by any person or body charging a student                               with a disciplinary offence shall be formulated in within and addressed to The Students Disciplinary Committee.
            (5)        EXPLANATION OF A COMPLAINT
                        Upon receipt of such information, the Students Disciplinary Committee  may require the student whom such a complaint is made or is received as the case may be, to tender an explanation and may cause further  investigation to be made and such further evidence to be obtained and   may find out that such advice and assistance as is thought helpful and  appropriate.  Provided that the Students Disciplinary Committee may in   any case where a complaint is made or information received and where  the Committee asks a student for such explanations as aforementioned, supply the student with copies of the complaint or summary of the information, as the case may, and such particulars thereof as will enable  the student to make answers thereto.
            (6)        POWERS TO SUMMON
                        The Students Disciplinary Committee shall have power to summon any                              person to give evidence or information or produce anything in                                               connection with such an offence.
                        The Student’s Disciplinary Committee shall adopt its own procedure as                              may be provided; such procedures shall ensure that principles of natural                            justice are observed as prescribed in article 70 of the Trust Rules of SAUT.
            (8)        RIGHT TO DELEGATE POWERS
                        “The Chairman may, by writing under his own hand, delegate all or any of                        his powers vested in him by these By-Laws, to the Dean or Director of a                                  Faculty, School Institute Center of Directorate, as the case may be.

12.       Upon finding that a student is guilty of a Disciplinary Committee shall impose       punishment as it may consider appropriate.  The Students Disciplinary      Committee   may impose such penalties including warning, reprimand, fine compensation or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offence as follows:
            (a)        Violating By Laws Part II 5(1) (i), (ii), 5(7) 5(8)  (i) – (iv); Part III 6(5); Part VI                                  8(2);  Part VII 9(6) shall constitute a very serious case under the penalty of                                    immediate dismissal or expulsion from the University.
            (b)        Offences against By-Laws.  Part III 6(1) – (13); Part VIII 10(2) are under                             serious case punishable by:
                        (i)         A written warning for first offence
                        (ii)        Suspension and/or dismissal for second offence.
             (c)       Violation of By-Laws; Part II 5 (I) (ii), (2)-(14); shall be considered minor                            cases subject to the imposed punishment of: 
                        (i)         A written warning
                        (ii)        Very strong warning
                        (iv)       A number of written warnings given with the effect of recording                                        and mentioning them in the student’s recommendations to                                            his/her sponsor or employer.
                        (v)        Suspension and/or expulsion for the second offence.  Provided                                           further that the Student Disciplinary Committee may instead                                              require that such student found guilty of an offence shall not                                       graduate or obtain in his/her certificate, diploma and/or academic                              transcript unit the debt is discharged or punishment is executed.
            (d)        Offences against By-Laws.  Part V are punishable by:
                        (i)         A verbal warning by the Lecturer in the event when such act occurs                                   in the lecture hall and or the Student will be ordered out of the                                              lecture hall for the particular day and the Lecturer will be obliged                                             to report such incident to the Corporate Counsel/Dean of                                                         Students.
                        (ii)        In case the student’s dress code misbehavior persist after being                                         verbally warned or strong written warning, the said student may                                       be suspended for one year with approval of the disciplinary                                         Committee.
13.       (1)        Appeal by an aggrieved party against a decision of the Students                                         Disciplinary Committee shall be done to the Appeals Committee as                               provided under article 56 of the Trust Rules of SAUT.
                        Subject to the provisions of Article 56 of the Trust Rules, the Appeals                                 Committee shall be composed of:
                        (a)        A  chairman chosen from the Bishops members of the University
                        (b)        Three members of the Council.
                        (c)        The President of the Student Organization or his/her                                                           representative.
                        (d)        A legally qualified person chosen by the Council annually, who                                           have been involved in the investigation, inquiries, hearing or                                              decision prior to the commencement of the appeal process                                        and/or decision of any matter connected or otherwise associated                                      with the appeals.
            (3)        PERIOD FOR APPEAL
                        Where an aggrieved party is dissatisfied with the decision of the                                        Disciplinary Committee, he/she may appeal to the Appeals Committee                                     with thirty days of the disciplinary action.
            (4)        MODE OF APPEAL
                        Such an appeal under these By-Laws the Appeals Committee may:
                        (a)        Require the presence of any of the parties involved in person or                                         proxy as it deems fit
                        (b)        Uphold the findings and punishment or
                        (c)        Set aside the findings and punishment imposed on him/her or
                        (d)        Direct the relevant disciplinary Committee to investigate fresh the                                    disciplinary offence of misconduct and report back its findings and                                    recommendations (Order re-trial).
                        The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and not subject to                             review by any other authority in the University and prescribed in the                          University by article 56 of the trust rules of SAUT.
14.       (1)        Any student is free to marry.  Married students, like any other student,                             shall be required to abide by these By-Laws.  No separate family                                         accommodation shall be provided or guaranteed by the University to                            married couples or breast feeding mothers and their infants.
            (2)        STUDENTS NAME
                        All the University Certificate, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Degrees and                                    any other university award shall be issued using the names which appear                                on the certificate by which a student gains admission at the University.
                        No change of names shall be allowed in academic testimonials and or                               transcript unless such changes have first been effected in all testimonials                              and or transcript which were used to gain admission in the University.
            (3)        ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES
                        a)         Certificates shall be issued under the office of the Corporate                                              Counsel.
                        b)         The Corporate Counsel shall make announcement on the                                                    procedures and guidelines for issuance of the Certificates to the                                        gradands either before or during or immediately after the                                                    graduation ceremony.
                        c)         Certificates are categorized under University legal documents and                                                therefore only the right owner shall be given the Certificate.  No                                       person may collect someone’s Certificate unless Special power of                                              Attorney with Personal Identification card shall be given that the                                        owner may never have an opportunity to collect in person his/her                                                 Certificate.
            (4)        LIMITATION OF BY-LAWS
                        These By-Laws are not exhaustive of all rules and By-Laws governing                                 students conduct at the University and do not override the application of                             special regulations applicable in specific organs of the University such as                               the University Library, University places of worship etc.
                        These By-Laws shall apply and be enforceable to students who are                                     undergoing Field Practical, Study Tours or doing authorized assignments                                   e.g. news collection outside the University campus.
                        Students are required to sign the STUDENT AGREEMENT FORM which                               shall be a binding undertaking by the student that he/she shall be                                           governed by these By-laws.  A student who will not sign the STUDENT                                 AGREEMENT FORM shall be construed that he/she has declined his/her                                  offer to study at the University.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Observe basic grammar rules of spelling and styles. Web-development too is highly wanting. Seek guidance and just don't encourage copy and paste. Review the site and make adjustments for words to fit accordingly in the UI.